Coordinated Access Mechanism for Children in Grey Bruce
The Coordinated Access Mechanism is a service that assists children and youth up to 17 years with complex needs. This service helps children and their families explore options to help meet their unique needs. The process begins when a community case manager contacts the Coordinated Access Mechanism to discuss the child or youth and the identified gaps in service.
If appropriate, the Access Mechanism will pull together resources during the development of the plan. This includes representatives from mental health, developmental services, local school boards and child welfare. The community case manager is provided with an access package to complete and return.
Following this, a meeting is planned with the Local Resolution team to discuss and examine options for assistance. The process can assist with finding or facilitating local solutions to unmet needs and provide an access point to designated Ministry funded services outside of the Grey Bruce community.
To connect with the Coordinated Access Mechanism for Children in Grey and Bruce, please call 519-371-4773 ext 115