Our 9th Annual Keystone Charity Golf Tournament is being held on Thursday, June 22nd 2023 at Legacy Ridge Golf Club.
– $125 per player with set, scheduled tee times starting at 11:00am
– Fee includes 18 holes of golf in one of the areas premier golf clubs, golf cart, 3-course plated meal following play, specialty prizes and raffles!
Your support helps us bring more mental health and prevention counselling and programming to children, youth and families in Grey/Bruce! Thank you for helping us BUILD FUTURES TOGETHER!
To register, please email Brandi Gowan at brandigowan@kcyfs.com or call 519-371-4773 ext. 195
Please consider being a supporter of our annual golf tournament by being one of our sponsors, by donating a raffle prize or making a donation.
Our sponsorship packages include:
- Company name and logo promoted at 2 holes in the course
- Tournament registration for 4 players
- Name and logo displayed on our company banner at the tournament
- Sponsorship recognition in our media outlets: website, social media, flyers, newspaper
GOLD LEVEL: $3000-$4999
- Company name and logo promoted at 1 hole in the course
- Tournament registration for 4 players
- Name and logo displayed on our company banner at the tournament
- Sponsorship recognition in our media outlets: website, social media, flyers, newspaper
SILVER LEVEL: $1500-$2999
- Tournament registration for 4 players
- Name and logo displayed on our company banner at the tournament
- Sponsorship recognition in our media outlets: website, social media, flyers, newspaper
BRONZE LEVEL: $500-$1499
- Name and logo displayed on our company banner at the tournament
- Sponsorship recognition in our media outlets: website, social media, flyers, newspaper
- Name and logo displayed at a hole on the course and our sponsorship board
- Sponsorship recognition in our media outlets: website, social media, flyers, newspaper
Just looking to make a donation to this worthy cause? You can give a donation to Keystone Child, Youth & Family Services here: https://www.keystonebrucegrey.org/donate/
This event is one of our top fundraising events for our organization. Your support can go a long way to helping children and youth in Grey-Bruce receive the mental health supports and counselling they need and help build brighter futures for families!
For more information or to become a sponsor, please contact Brandi Gowan at brandigowan@kcyfs.com or call 519-371-4773 ext.195