Just give us a call at 519-371-4773 or 1-800-567-2384
Hours: 8:30 – 4:30 Monday to Friday
Counselling and Treatment
Your child and family are at the heart of our service. We will work with you to develop a treatment plan that suits your needs. Keystone does its best to eliminate barriers to service.
Let us know how we can help!
Our Services Include:
Crisis Support Services
Crisis support services offer children, youth and their families experiencing a crisis or an urgent situation an opportunity to connect with a clinician in a time-sensitive manner to de-escalate immediate risk and/or help the child/youth and family cope with an urgent situation.

Individual and Family Counselling
Our counsellors work with your child, youth and family to help you set goals and provide therapeutic interventions to support change.
Groups & Workshops
We provide several psycho-educational workshops for parents and caregivers, as well as goal-focused groups for children and youth throughout the year.
Children and youth can participate in groups to:
- Work on goals
- Strengthen their ability to interact with their peers in small group settings
- Strengthen their understanding of their individual needs
Parents and Caregivers can participate in groups or workshops to:
- Strengthen their understanding of their child and themselves
- Learn practical strategies to support their child
- Reduce stress and isolation, and formulate a plan to address concerns
Contact Us
Download our Counselling Welcome Package
Groups for children and youth are open to current clients of Keystone or those waiting for ongoing counselling services. For questions or to register for a group, please contact 519-371-4773.
For questions or to register for a Psycho-Educational Workshop for parents/caregivers, please contact 519-371-4773 or view our calendar of upcoming workshops here.
Keystone recognizes that individuals have diverse gender identities. Our programs apply to all individuals, regardless of gender identity and gender expression.
We look forward to working with you.
Keystone is not an emergency service. If you are worried that your child is at imminent risk of self-harm or harm to others, Call the Crisis Line at 988 or go to your nearest Emergency Department.