What is Coordinated Service Planning?
Coordinated Service Planning (CSP) is a program that can help families who have children or youth with multiple and/or complex special needs.
The benefits of this program are:
- One Individualized Plan based on your child’s needs, goals and strengths.
- Connecting families to community services.
- One contact person for all services.
- All services will work together to follow the plan.
- Families will not have to repeat their stories.
- All services will use the family centered approach:
- Each family is unique.
- Family is the constant in the child/youth’s life.
- Families are the experts about their children.
Is CSP suitable for my family?
- Does your child/youth have multiple and/or complex special needs?
- Is your child/youth or family involved with several agencies?
- Does your family need help to manage and coordinate all the services?
- Do you need help connecting to services in Grey and Bruce?
How to Refer
- If you are a parent you can make a referral by clicking this link or by contacting us directly (note: this link is to EMHware) https://keystone.ontarionow.ca/child-referral/
- If you are a service provider you can make a referral by completing the “Agency Referral” document and faxing to us
Additional Resources
Grey Bruce Community Resources For Children, Youth and Families
How to contact us:
Keystone Child, Youth & Family Services
1793 3rd Avenue West
Owen Sound ON N4K 6Y2
519-371-4773, ext. 233
Toll free: 1-800-567-2384, ext. 233
E-mail: cspgreybruce@kcyfs.com
Fax: 519-371-6397